Sunday, September 14, 2008

Texas Summer

These are a few of my favorite pictures from our trip to Texas. Nikki arranged for the McKowns and Regers to get away for a few days our first week in town to Cedar Lake. We packed tons of leftover treats and food from the BBQ, loaded up the toys and tots - and headed out for some much needed R&R. The weather had been super hot and sticky so we were VERY glad to be right on the water. Our two day, two night stay was a huge success and the boys did very well. We even had dual naps thanks to tons of water play to tucker them both right out. Jack and Little Tom perfected casting thier fishing poles --- while Nikki and I perfected total fear of all cicadas in the dark. We stayed in this adorable little yellow house that used galvanized metal for the interior of the roof. Cozy - yet very comfy too. I'm looking forward to making this an annual trip.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Cavallo Paradiso

I was lucky enough to be invited to go horseback riding this past Saturday with my girlfriend Lori. We drove out towards Palagonia to the new stables where she nows keeps her horse Aprile. The stables are incredible and the horses are all gorgeous! Lori now spends almost all her free time either riding, grooming, or loving these horses. The man that owns the stables does not ride that often anymore and Lori is helping him to keep them training. I only hope to be invited back again soon. They had over 30 horses, puppies, kittens, chickens and more! I would love to take Jack out thier for an afternoon. Seriously - paradise!

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Labor Day JOY!

We had friends over for some KBobs today and the kids all had a great time. It is such a blast to watch them fun around and be so silly. This bike was one we aquired in Colorado for free - and it is by far the most valuable item in Jack's toy collection. They all take turns going around the driveway and it is usually Matt or Phil behind them pushing them at maximum speed to increase thier little toddler high. Just look at thier faces - you can tell that fun was had by all.

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